Canadian Mineral Analysts / Analystes canadiensdes minéraux

Canadian Mineral Analysts – Individual Membership Form, Annual Fees and Benefits of Individual Membership

Download a pdf copy of the Individual Membership Form HERE.

Individual Membership: $50.00 per year (renewal and new)
$25.00 per year (senior, inactive and students)

CMA individual members are entitled to the following benefits:

  • Reduced registration fee at annual CMA Conference and Exhibition (amount of reduced registration
    fee usually =/> than the price of a CMA membership)
  • Access to CMA publications (annual Conference Proceedings with technical papers, Newsletters, Methods Manuals and QC/QA Manual)
  • Annual CMA Conference and Exhibition with technical papers, workshops, laboratory tours, exhibits, social program, networking opportunities
  • Access to member-only information on CMA website (
  • Access to CMA Facebook page
  • Voting privileges at Annual CMA Annual General Meeting with opportunity to provide input on the direction and focus for the CMA
  • Electronic newsletter with information about:
    • CMA activities
    • CMA Conference highlights
    • Annual General Meeting highlights
    • Announcement of scholarships, program funding, and instrument/equipment grants awarded by CMA to Canadian colleges and universities with fire assay and/or chemical engineering technology programs
    • Updates on industry news, staff movements, and other significant announcements.

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